Pričakovanje, da je vzgoja za ljubezen do domovine in države nekaj samoumevnega, ker je pri nekaterih šolskih predmetih te snovi precej več kot pri drugih, je do neke mere zmotno. Pouk geografije naj bi bil skupaj z zgodovino in slovenščino med prvimi poklican, da mladega človeka izobrazi in vzgoji v poznavalca, častilca in branilca lastne domovine. Vendar na uspešnost take vzgoje delujejo še druge okoliščine. Ozaveščenost o domovini in državi se v času mladostnega dozorevanja oblikuje in utrjuje počasi in postopoma. Tisto, kar sliši pri pouku o lastni domovini in njenih odlikah, mlad človek ne more takoj preobraziti v čustvo ljubezni oziroma navezanosti do nje. Šele z večkratno, didaktično različno obravnavo iste ali podobne snovi in utrjevanjem na terenu, na ekskurzijah, ko se učenju v učilnici pridružijo še lastno opazovanje, doživljanje in izkustvo, je mogoče pričakovati pozitivne odzive. Uspešnost vzgoje za ljubezen do domovine je tudi pri pouku geografi je odvisna od znanja, načitanosti in spretnosti učitelja, od izbire učne tematike, besedil, ciljev na terenu in seveda od pogostosti takega pouka. Anketa med učitelji je pokazala, da se te svoje odgovornosti močno zavedajo. Bilo bi idealno, če bi se tega zavedali tudi starši in širše okolje, iz katerega izhajajo učenci. Trend domoljubne ozaveščenosti mladih državljanov Slovenije ni v porastu, prej nasprotno, kar zlasti v sedanjem času ni nepomembno.
Geography Lessons and Education for Love of Home and Country
The belief that education for the love of homeland and country can be taken for granted, because certain school subjects discuss this topic much more than others, is to some extent false. Along with History and Slovenian Language, Geography lessons have been called upon to educate young persons and turn them into connoisseurs, admirers and defenders of their homeland. However, other circumstances also influence the success of such education. As young people mature, their awareness of their homeland and country is slowly and gradually being formed and strengthened. What young people hear about their own homeland and its virtues during lessons they are not able to instantly transform into a feeling of love of or attachment to it. Only through repeated didactic and diverse discussions of the same or similar topic, and through its consolidation in the field, on field trips, when the learning taking place in the classroom is accompanied by their own observations and experiences, can we expect positive reactions. In Geography lessons too, the success of education for the love of homeland depends on the knowledge, erudition and skills of the teacher, on the choice of topic, texts, goals in the field and, of course, on the frequency of such lessons. A survey conducted among teachers has shown that they are strongly aware of their responsibility. It would be ideal if the parents and the broader environment from which the pupils hail would also be aware of this. The trend of the patriotic awareness of young citizens of Slovenia is not on the rise but rather the opposite, which is no trivial matter, especially in the present times.