Namen prispevka je predstaviti šolski projekt, ki je bil namenjen izboljšanju razredne klime in s tem boljšemu učnemu okolju. Vsak dan preko čutil naša telesa ustvarjajo občutke. Več kot je negativnih občutkov, več je v telesu teže, ki povzroča slabo počutje. S pomočjo vizualizacije je mogoče energijo negativnih občutkov zmanjšati in s tem razbremeniti učence ter jim tako pomagati, da se lažje vklapljajo v učni proces. Postopek je preprost in pozitivni rezultati se pokažejo, ko ga izvajamo nek določen čas kontinuirano. Samo enkraten poskus ni dovolj.
Paths towards Emotional Unburdening
The purpose of the paper is to present a school project that was aimed towards improving the classroom climate and consequently the learning environment as well. Every day, our bodies create emotions through sense organs. A greater number of negative emotions results in greater weight in the body, which makes us fell unwell. By means of visualisation, the energy of negative emotions can be reduced and thus the students unburdened, which helps them to more easily participate in the learning process. It is a simple procedure and its positive results manifest themselves after carrying it out continuously for a specific period of time. A single attempt is not enough.