Pomen ljubljanskega kongresa za mesto in njegove prebivalce

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V članku predstavljam ljubljanski kongres leta 1821 in pečat, ki ga je pustil v življenju Ljubljančanov. Temelji predvsem na podatkih iz strokovne literature. Obravnavana tematika je dobro zastopana v zgodovinski literaturi, žal pa v času kongresa ni izhajal noben slovenski časopis. Tako so bili Slovenci, kolikor so zasledovali svetovne dogodke, vezani v glavnem na Laibacher Zeitung, ki pa je bil podvržen strogi cenzuri. Na literarnem področju prinaša zgodbo ljubljanskega kongresa pisatelj Ivan Tavčar v zgodovinskem romanu Izza kongresa. Od sodobnikov je o ljubljanskem kongresu v svojem dnevniku pisal knez Klemens von Mett ernich, dnevnik pa je pisal tudi zgodovinar in publicist Henrik Costa. Informacije za članek sem tako črpala tudi iz Costovega dnevnika, ki ga sicer hrani Arhiv Slovenije. Politični pomen kongresa je brez dvoma dobro poznan, saj je bilo v tem času zatrto revolucionarno gibanje v Italiji in vladarji ter diplomati so kongres končali prepričani, da so v Ljubljani izpolnili cilje Svete alianse. Ob tem pa ne gre spregledati pomena kongresa za Ljubljano in njene meščane.


Importance of the congress of Ljubljana for the city and its inhabitants

The article presents the Congress of Ljubljana of 1821 and how it marked the lives of the people of Ljubljana. It is based mainly on data from professional literature. The researched topic has been much discussed in historical literature, but unfortunately no Slovenian newspapers were being published at the time of the congress. Th us, the Slovenian readers who followed world events mostly relied on the newspaper Laibacher Zeitung, which underwent strict censorship. In the field of fiction, the story of the Congress of Ljubljana was told by writer Ivan Tavčar in his historical novel Izza kongresa [Behind the Congress]. Of its contemporaries, the Congress of Ljubljana was mentioned in the diary of Prince Mett ernich; a diary was also kept by the historian and journalist Henrik Costa. Hence, information for the article was also drawn from Costa’s diary, which is kept by the Archives of the Republic of Slovenia. Th e political importance of the congress is undoubtedly well known, because at the time of the congress, the revolutionary movement in Italy was suppressed, and the rulers and diplomats ended the Congress of Ljubljana convinced they had fulfi lled the goals of the Holy Alliance. However, we should not overlook the importance of the congress for the city of Ljubljana and its dwellers.