Otroci dandanes čez teden dejavno preživijo povprečno več časa z vzgojiteljicami v vrtcu kot s starši. Glasba je tista, ki jih spremlja že od samega spočetja. V vrtcu lahko otrokom z glasbenimi dejavnostmi pomagamo pri razvoju, saj s tem prispevamo k razvoju ne le na področju glasbe, ampak tudi na drugih področjih. Zelo pomembno nalogo imamo tu vzgojitelji, ki lahko otroke odlično motiviramo.
Importance of Music Activities in Kindergarten
Children today on average spend more time, on workdays, in kindergarten with their teachers than with parents. Music is has been with them since they were born. By implementing music activities in the kindergarten, we can foster the child’s development not only in the area of music but in other areas as well. In this respect, teachers as good motivators play a very important role.