Vključevanje učencev v njihovo lastno učenje je ključno za zagotavljanje razvoja posameznikov, ki se bodo znali učiti in uspeti v današnjem izjemno naglem svetu hitrih sprememb. Metode, ki jih uporablja Umetnost gostovanja pomenljivih pogovorov (angl. Art of Hosting Conversations That Matter – AOH), izobraževalcem nudijo nabor preprostih ter obenem zelo prefinjenih in dobro dokumentiranih sodelovalnih aktivnosti, ki vključujejo tudi nekaj dodatnih možnosti za izobraževalna okolja. Te nove metode so krog, odprti prostor, svetovna kavarna in pozitivno poizvedovanje. Članek predstavlja ključne metode sodelovalnega učenja v okviru umetnosti gostiteljstva, vključno s specifičnimi podpornimi gradivi, ki pojasnjujejo, zakaj so te metode tako uspešne na vseh ravneh izobraževanja.
The Substructures of The Art of Hosting’s Participatory Learning Methodologies That Support the Development of Social Capital Skills and Social Emotional Skills in Educational Settings
Engaging students in their own learning is critical to developing individuals that know how to learn and can succeed in our fast-paced, rapidly changing world. Using the methodologies embraced by the Art of Hosting Conversations that Matter (AOH) has offered educators a set of simple, yet highly sophisticated, well documented collaborative activities with a few added components for education settings. These new methodologies include Circle, Open Space, World Café, and Appreciative Inquiry. This article introduces the core AOH participatory methodologies along with specific supporting materials about why the methodologies are so successful in all levels of education.