Podružnične šole v preteklosti niso bile deležne posebnega ugleda. Danes pa vse več raziskav kaže na to, da lahko ob dobri usposobljenosti učitelja, ki učinkovito načrtuje in izvaja pouk, podružnične šole s kombiniranimi oddelki v nekaterih vidikih celo prekašajo šole s homogenimi oddelki. V kombiniranih oddelkih je več individualizacije in diferenciacije pouka ter fleksibilnega poučevanja, kar ima ugoden vpliv na učne dosežke različno sposobnih učencev. Prav tako je v njih več sodelovanja med učenci in vrstniškega tutorstva, ki prispeva k hitrejšemu čustvenemu in socialnemu razvoju ter se izraža v samozavestnejših, bolj sodelovalnih in manj tekmovalnih učencih. Učinki podružničnih šol s kombiniranimi oddelki na učence niso neposredni in enoznačni, zato je za zagotavljanje ugodnih učinkov pomembno upoštevati različne dejavnike, kot so: razmerje starejših in mlajših otrok v oddelku, razmerje po spolu in usposobljenost učitelja. V Sloveniji na to temo še ni raziskav, v prispevku pa so predstavljene izkušnje učiteljic, ki že vrsto let poučujejo na podružnični šoli s kombiniranimi oddelki.
Primary School Branches with Combined Groupings
In the past, school branches were not given any special recognition, today, however, an increasing number of research activities point to the fact that school branches with combined groupings where adequately educated teachers plan and implement classes efficiently even surpass, in certain aspects, other schools with homogeneous groupings. Namely, combined groupings allow for a greater individualisation and differentiation of classes as well as more flexible teaching which positively affects learning results of students with different learning abilities. They also contribute to a better cooperation between students and peer-to-peer tutoring that nurtures a faster emotional and social development reflected in their improved self-confidence, enhanced collaboration and decreased competitiveness. The effects of school branches with combined groupings on students are not direct or onefold, which means that different factors must be taken into account to ensure beneficial effects, for example: the ratio between the older and younger children in the group, the ratio between girls and boys and the teacher’s qualifications. While there were no studies yet carried out relative to this topic in Slovenia, the article does include some of the experience from teachers working for a number of years in school branches with combined groupings.