Podjetnostne kompetence so kompetence preteklosti, sedanjosti in prihodnosti. V današnjem času, ki se hitro spreminja, jih je zelo pomembno čim bolje obvladati. V članku predstavljamo različne načine razvijanja le-teh pri pouku geografije, v šoli in na daljavo, na ekskurzijah, pri notranjem delu mature ali pri medpredmetnih delavnicah. Navedeni primeri so bili preizkušeni v različnih letnikih in šolskih letih, nekateri so podrobneje predstavljeni za boljšo ponazoritev. Pri vsakem sklopu so navedene tudi podjetnostne kompetence iz EntreCompa ter druge kompetence iz učnega načrta geografije za splošne gimnazije. Članek je namenjen navdihovanju novih idej, spodbujanju k spremembi ustaljenih metod dela, aktiviranju dijakov ter spodbujanju kreativnega in podjetnostnega mišljenja pri učiteljih.
Geography Education Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurship competencies are competencies of the past, the present, and the future. It is critical to master them as thoroughly as possible in today’s fast-changing world. This article discusses various methods for developing them in geography lessons, both at school and during distance learning, on excursions, as the internal part of the matura, or in cross-curricular workshops. The examples, some of which we present in greater detail for clarity, have been tested in various year groups and school years. Each set of topics comes with the entrepreneurship competencies from EntreComp and other competencies from the geography curriculum for general upper secondary schools. The present article aims to spark new ideas, encourage a shift in working methods, engage students, and foster creative and entrepreneurial thinking in teachers.