Prispevek obravnava združitev dveh različnih bralnoučnih strategij za samostojno učenje zgodovine. Pri obravnavani temi z naslovom Osamosvojitev Slovenije v 9. razredu smo združili časovni trak in metodo ribje kosti. Učenci so tako samostojno ob uporabi zgodovinskih virov in učbenika spoznali celoten proces in pomembnejše dogodke ob osamosvojitvi Slovenije. Predstavljam primer izvedbe takšne šolske ure in analizo dosežkov samostojnega dela učencev.
Slovenia’s Independence – Independent Learning of History
The article describes the union of two different reading strategies for independent learning of history. When learning about the topic of Slovenia’s independence in the ninth grade we combined the timeline and the fishbone method. Students were thus able to independently use historical sources and their textbooks in learning about the entire process and significant events during Slovenia’s independence process. The author describes an example of how he implemented such lesson, and gives an analysis of students’ independent work.