Montessori metoda govori o umirjenem in potrpežljivem učitelju, ki skrbno pripravi okolje za delo in ki dobro pozna materiale, ki jih bo ponudil otroku. Učiteljeva naloga je, da materialov ne uporablja kot pomoč pri razlagi snovi, temveč jih ponudi otroku in mu pokaže, kako jih lahko uporablja. Otrok je tisti, ki je aktiven in dela s temi materiali, ne učitelj. Učitelj opazuje, spremlja in usmerja otroka. Materiali so zasnovani tako, da otroku nudijo takojšnjo povratno informacijo (kontrola napake) in imajo več možnosti uporabe. V članku so predstavljene dejavnosti, ki jih lahko uporabimo pri opismenjevanju v prvi triadi.
Literacy with the Help of the Montessori Pedagogy
The Montessori method is about a peaceful and patient teacher who prepares their work environment with care and is well familiarized with the materials about to be offered to a child. The teacher’s task is not to apply the materials as an explanatory aid, but to offer them to the child along with a demonstration how they can be used. The child is the one to be active and to work with the materials, not the teacher. The teacher only observes, accompanies and guides the child. The materials are designed as to immediately provide the child with feedback (control of error) and can be used in multiple ways. The article describes activities that can be used for literacy teaching in the first triad.