Gledališka umetnost je kot ena najstarejših umetnosti stalna spremljevalka otrokovega razvoja. Starši in šola skrbijo, da se otrok že v zgodnjem otroštvu spozna z gledališčem in da si ogleda čim več predstav, primernih njegovi starosti. V okviru šolskega programa šole vodijo tudi starejše učence predvsem na dopoldanske predstave, ki so namenjene prav šolskim skupinam, prispevek pa predstavlja ogled večerne gledališke predstave za devetošolce, ki naj bi bil zanje svojevrstno doživetje, izziv in korak proti odrasli publiki. Ugotovitev, kaj je resnično gledališče, kakšna je njegova publika, kako se v gledališču zares obnašamo, ko smo tam s pravimi ljubitelji gledališke umetnosti, naj bi bila – vsaj nekaterim – spodbuda, da tudi sami postanejo rednejši obiskovalci gledališča.
Attending an Evening Theatrical Performance in 9th Grade as Education for Theatre
As one of the oldest forms of art, dramaturgy is a constant companion of a child’s development. Parents and schools make sure that a child is acquainted with the theatre in early childhood and that he/she sees as many plays as possible that are suitable for his age group. Under the school programme, schools also take older students to see morning performances that are intended for school groups; this paper presents the attending of an evening theatrical performance by ninth graders, which was to be a unique experience for them, as well as a challenge and a step towards becoming an adult audience. The discovery of what real theatre is like, what its audience is like, how people behave at the theatre in the company of genuine lovers of dramatic art, should be an encouragement – at least for some – to become more regular theatregoers.