Z načrtnim vključevanjem otrok beguncev v vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove v Republiki Sloveniji tem otrokom, učencem in dijakom lahko zagotovimo uspešno premagovanje ovir in spopadanje z učnimi ter vedenjskimi težavami, ki se lahko pri njih pojavljajo zaradi nezadostnega znanja slovenskega jezika, zaradi razlik med njihovo izvorno kulturo in kulturo okolja, zaradi nepopolne socialne integracije v večinsko družbo ali zaradi razlik v izobraževalnih sistemih med izvorno državo in sistemom v Sloveniji. Temelj vključevanja tvorijo splošne človekove in otrokove pravice, ki na eni strani dajejo posamezniku pravico do ohranjanja posebnosti, na drugi strani pa apelirajo na družbo okolja, da naj kulturno raznolikost sprejme ne le kot »drugačnost« v pozitivnem smislu, ampak tudi kot prednost in priložnost za dobre skupne izkušnje za vse. V prispevku predstavljam še okviren načrt dejavnosti v pomoč učiteljem in svetovalnim delavcem pri vključevanju otrok beguncev v pouk in šolske ter obšolske dejavnosti preko celega šolskega leta.
Identifying Gifted Children in the Preschool Period
The paper discusses the identification of gifted children in the preschool period. The first part of the paper presents theoretical premises for the giftedness of children and adolescents, and for identifying gifted children in the preschool period. Afterwards the paper analyses the results of the research into the identification of gifted preschool children in the final age period. The analysis of the collected data shows that 88.5% of the professional staff that participated in the research feels that identifying and working with gifted children in the preschool period is important. 88.8% of them believe that they recognise signs of giftedness in children. All of them have had a gifted child in their group, but only 57.7% believe that pedagogical work in kindergarten can influence the development of giftedness in children and therefore systematically encourage the development of their giftedness when working with them. Three quarters of the professional staff that notice giftedness in a child do not talk to the child’s parents about it. 84.6% of the professional staff carry out or offer enrichment and additional activities. All of them feel that they need additional training regarding giftedness and gifted children in the preschool period, and regarding methods of planning activities and working with said children. The data also shows that there are no significant differences in views regarding the identification of giftedness. On the other hand, significant differences appear in the views on and attitudes towards working with gifted preschool children. The staff is of the opinion that the greatest obstacle in working with gifted preschool children is their lack of expertise.