Od razpada rimskega imperija do nastanka kneževin alpskih Slovanov

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V prispevku je obravnavan zgodovinski razvoj v Vzhodnih Alpah v zgodnjem srednjem veku. V prvem delu prispevka avtor predstavi raziskovalna izhodišča, ki determinirajo naše poznavanje obdobja in prostora, ter interpretativne možnosti, ki jih ponujajo. Avtor izpostavi skromen obseg virov in probleme, ki izhajajo iz specifičnosti zgodnjesrednjeveške historiografske produkcije. Prav tako opozori na nove pristope v raziskavah obravnavanega obdobja in etnogenetskih procesov, ki so se uveljavili v zadnjih desetletjih. V drugem delu je kronološko podan zgodovinski razvoj v širšem prostoru Vzhodnih Alp. Izpostavljena sta zlasti Karantanija in Karniola. Pri tem skuša avtor na konkretnih primerih interpretacij posameznih virov pokazati na možne načine rekonstruiranja preteklosti. Prispevek se zaključuje z integracijo obravnavanega prostora v frankovski politični in družbeni sistem.


From the Fall of the Roman Empire to the Formation of Principalities of Alpine Slavs

The article discusses the historical development in the Eastern Alps in the Early Middle Ages. In the first part of the article the author presents the research starting points, which determine our knowledge of the period and region, and the interpretive possibilities they offer. The author high lights the modest number of sources and the problems arising from the specifics of early medieval historiographical production. He also points out new approaches to researching this period and the processes of ethnogenesis that have been established in recent decades. Part two gives a chronology of historical development in the wider area of the Eastern Alps. Carantania and Carniola are highlighted. By doing so, the author att empts to demonstrate possible ways of reconstructing the past on concrete examples of interpretations of individual sources. The article concludes by integrating the area in question into the Frankish political and social system.