Sedmošolec ob dveh mladinskih književnih delih sodobnih avtorjev spozna še intervju, obnovo umetnostnih in neumetnostnih besedil, stalno besedno zvezo, samostalnike moškega spola, svojilni in povratni svojilni zaimek ter literarnovedna pojma prvoosebni in tretjeosebni pripovedovalec. Iz 6. razreda ponovi oceno knjige, oblikoslovje ter pravopis, osvoji pa tudi pojem primera, čeprav je to cilj 8. razreda. S tem dosežem, da se pri pouku po vertikali nadgrajuje in dopolnjuje raba strokovnih pojmov, tako pri jeziku kot pri književnosti. Pri postopni obravnavi poleg odlomkov iz romanov uporabljam intervjuje z avtorjema, ocene romanov, mnenja avtorjev o branju in knjigah večinoma iz Dela, Pila ali drugih spletnih virov. Sestavljam različne tipe nalog, pri tem pa književnost in jezik nenehno prepletam. Poudarjam naloge, ki preverjajo razumevanje in odpravljajo napačne predstave. Ko kaj razumemo, se postavlja vprašanje, kako doseči, da znamo to, kar vidimo in razumemo, tudi ubesediti. Preplet književnosti ter jezika in tvorjenje neumetnostnih besedil o umetnostnih se mi zato zdita ključna. Učenci samostojno berejo. Pišejo veliko krajših in daljših sestavkov, drug z drugim (v skupinah ali parih) se pogovarjajo ob vnaprej določenih izhodiščih. Drug drugemu vrednotijo besedila (govorjena ali zapisana) po danih kriterijih uspešnosti. Za tvorjena besedila učencem podam povratno informacijo tudi sama po določenih kriterijih. Učenci so po koncu sklopa ocenjeni, notranje pri pouku. Ocena je posledica pisnega izdelka pri pouku ob danem odlomku iz romana in priloženih navodilih za pisanje.
Discussing the Novels Zvezde vabijo (The Stars are Waiting) by M. Mazzini and Kot v filmu (Like in a Movie) by V. Moederndorfer in Seventh Grade
In addition to two works by modern youth literature writers, seventh-graders learn about other grammatical and literary forms such as the interview, summary of artistic and non-artistic texts, collocations, masculine nouns, possessive and reflexive possessive pronouns, and the literary concepts of first-person and third-person narrative. They also revisit the sixth-grade subjects of book review, morphology and orthography, and learn about the concept of simile which is actually the goal of the eighth grade. This ensures a vertical upgrading of the knowledge in class, where the use of terminology expands both in terms of grammar and literature. A gradual treatment of the novels includes, in addition to the paragraphs from the novels, interviews with the authors, reviews of the novels and authors’ opinions about the reading and the books taken primarily from the publications Delo and Pil or other online sources. I prepare various types of as signments where literature and language are constantly intertwined. The emphasis is on assignments that check the student’s understanding and remove any misconceptions. When something is understood, a question is posed about how can we learn to put what we see and understand into words. That is why it is crucial, in my opinion, to intertwine literature and language and to write non-artistic texts about artistic works. Students read independently. They write many shorter and longer com positions, discussing topics with each other (in groups or pairs) based on previously defined premises. They evaluate each other’s texts (written or oral) according to the given performance criteria. I also provide feedback on their texts using certain criteria. Students are evaluated after each set and internally in class. Their grade is based on the writing assignment in class, using a paragraph from the novel and the provided instructions for writing.