Učenje in izobraževanje sta ključnega pomena za vsakega posameznika in celotno družbo. V prispevku predstavljamo pomen delavnic, ki dajejo dodatno motivacijo učencem, ki obiskujejo program s prilagojenim izvajanjem in dodatno strokovno pomočjo, predvsem tistim, ki prihajajo iz socialno ogroženih družin in imajo večinoma pri izobraževanju slabšo motivacijo od vrstnikov. V začetnem delu opisujemo vpliv revščine na otrokov biološki, psihološki in socialni razvoj. Temu sledijo strategije pomoči in problematika nizke samopodobe ter pomen ustrezne motivacije. V nadaljevanju predstavljamo štiri delavnice, ki dajejo programu, ki ga obiskujejo učenci, dodano vrednost ter krepijo primanjkljaje, s katerimi se srečuje večina učencev. V sklepnem delu povzemamo ugotovitve in pomen delavnic za razvoj posameznika.
Feel Your Path
Learning and education are of key importance for every individual and for society at large. The paper presents the importance of workshops that further motivate pupils attending the programme with adapted implementation and additional professional assistance, especially those coming from socially vulnerable families who are usually less motivated for education than their peers. Th e introductory section describes the influence of poverty on a child’s biological, psychological and social development. This is followed by a description of help strategies, the problem of a poor self-image, and the importance of proper motivation. Four workshops are presented that imbue the programme attended by the above-mentioned pupils with added value, diminishing the difficulties encountered by most pupils. The final section sums up the findings and the importance of such workshops for a person’s development.