Članek govori o dejavnikih, ki vplivajo na učenje jezika. Izpostavljeni dejavnik je starost, saj ugotavljamo, da se otroci v zgodnjih letih hitreje učijo jezika, saj niso obremenjeni s strukturo. Učenje drugega/tujega jezika poteka spontano kot učenje prvega jezika in gre ravno tako skozi faze glaskovanja, zlogovanja in tvorjenja besed, šele nato tvorjenja kompleksnejših struktur.
On Early Language Learning
The article discusses the factors that influence language learning. The highlighted factor is age, since it has been established that children learn languages quicker at an early age, as they are not burdened by their structure. The learning of a second/foreign language takes place spontaneously, just as the learning of their first language, and likewise proceeds through the stages of breaking words into sounds and syllables, forming words, and afterwards forming more complex structures.