V prispevku na kratko opisujemo zgodovino starega kozjanskega trga Pilštanja. Na Kozjanskem je nastalo ob koncu srednjega veka več trgov, tudi Pilštanj, ki pa je imel nekaj posebnosti. Tu so ustanovili prvo (pra)župnijo tega območja, imel je celo dva gradova in še nekaj srednjeveških fevdalnih pristojnosti (npr. sodno). Tudi šolstvo se je začelo zelo zgodaj in vztrajalo vse do začetka šestdesetih let 20. stoletja, ko so v Lesičnem zgradili novo šolo. Od nekdanjega pomena danes ni ostalo kaj veliko, je pa toliko bolj pomembna snovna in nesnovna kulturna dediščina, ki je vsaj deloma še ohranjena, a je vprašanje, koliko časa se bo še upirala zobu časa. Posebej izpostavljamo predelavo drnulj, ki je bila v kraju nekaj posebnega, danes pa nanjo živi bolj kot ne le še spomin, a tudi pilštanjska himna.
On Pilštanj, Cornel Berries and More
This article provides a brief history of Pilštanj, an old market town in the Kozjansko Regional Park. At the end of the Middle Ages, several squares were formed in Kozjansko, including Pilštanj with its peculiarities. Namely, this was the town with the first (ancient) parish in the area, two castles, and a few medieval feudal powers, such as the district court. Education began very early here and lasted until the beginning of the 1960s when a new school was built in Lesično. Since much of its former significance has been lost, the preserved part of tangible and intangible cultural heritage remains all the more important. We cannot say how long it can withstand the ravages of time. Thus, the article focuses on the processing of cornel berries, which was unique to the town and today only exists in memory and the Pilštanj anthem.