Trajnostnost v ospredje postavlja nove vrednote, nov fokus in nove odnose med družbenimi akterji, pa tudi nove načine odločanja, ki iz tega izhajajo. Če želimo razumeti, kakšna bi morala biti slovenska energetska arena, da bi se zanjo lahko reklo, da je trajnostna, moramo najprej razumeti vrednote, fokuse in odnose med družbenimi akterji, ki znotraj nje delujejo danes, pa tudi težave, s katerimi se energetski sektor srečuje. Razumevanje ekonomskega in tehničnega dela problema, ki mu država v tem trenutku posveča daleč največ časa in energije, ne more zajeti razumevanja političnih temeljev energetike kot sektorja. Politični temelji pa so za uspešno ekološko tranzicijo ključni. Zato se v prispevku osredotočamo na delovanje institucij, v katerih se oblikuje slovenska energetska politika, in na osnovne odločevalske procese. S tem postavljamo pomemben temelj za nadaljnjo študijo izbranega področja, v sklepnem delu pa skušamo ugotovitve preslikati še na odjemalce, kot so vzgojno-izobraževalni zavodi.
What we refer to when sustainable energy is discussed
Sustainability brings to the forefront new values, a new focus and new relationships between social stakeholders and consequently also new decision-making methods. In order to understand what the Slovenian energy sector should be like, so that it can be called sustainable, we must first understand the values, focuses and relationships between the social stakeholders involved in it and the issues that the energy sector is faced with. The understanding of economic and technical aspects of the issue, that the state currently pays most attention to, does not include the understanding of the political foundation of energy as a sector. Yet, the political foundation is crucial for a successful ecological transition. Therefore, this article focuses on the functioning of the institutions creating Slovenian energy policy, and on the basic decision-making processes. In this way, an important foundation for further study of this field is laid, and in the concluding part, the findings are presented with an attempt of making a reference to customers, such as educational institutions.