Inšpektorji Inšpektorata Republike Slovenije za šolstvo in šport zagotavljamo spoštovanje predpisov s področja vzgoje in izobraževanja ter športa s strani izvajalcev tovrstnih dejavnosti. V ta namen izvajamo inšpekcijske nadzore, v okviru katerih ugotavljamo obstoj morebitnih kršitev predpisov iz naše nadzorstvene pristojnosti. Obseg, vsebina nadzorov, ugotovitve ter izrečeni ukrepi, ki jih vsako leto predstavimo v letnih poročilih, se z leti spreminjajo in so v precejšnji meri tudi odraz stanja in sprememb na drugih družbenih področjih. V prispevku so predstavljeni temeljni izsledki dela inšpektorata v poročevalskem obdobju petih let od leta 2016 do leta 2020 ter na njih temelječi izzivi za delo v prihodnje.
Irregularities Identified by Education and Sport Inspectors in Entities Subject to Inspection
The inspectors of the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Education and Sport ensure that providers of education and sport activities comply with the rules and regulations in the fields of education and sport. To this end, supervisions are carried out to determine any breaches of the regulations under our authority. The scope, content, conclusions, and adopted measures, which are presented in annual reports, evolve constantly and, to a considerable extent, reflect the situation and changes in other segments of society. This paper presents the main findings of the inspectorate’s work over the five-year reporting period from 2016 to 2020 and, pursuant to these findings, the challenges that lie ahead.