V članku je poudarek na industriji oblačil, ki je del tekstilne industrije, in njeni problematiki z vidika trajnostnosti. Tekstilna industrija in še bolj industrija oblačil sta dejavnosti, s katerima je danes povezana t. i. hitra moda. V tekstilni industriji danes uporabljajo v več kot polovičnem deležu umetna oz. sintetična vlakna, ki omogočajo izdelavo poceni oblačil in tudi drugih izdelkov, a hkrati ta gospodarska panoga povzroča veliko onesnaževanje, zlasti voda (postopek proizvodnje vlaken in barvanja), in zaposluje manj plačano delovno silo, ki v mnogih industrijsko razvijajočih se državah dela tudi pod bistveno težjimi pogoji in ima manj delavskih pravic kot v razvitih državah. V prispevku so prikazani tudi nekateri novejši podatki o industrijski proizvodnji v teh panogah, ki kažejo nekatere posebnosti v razmestitvi te industrije na svetu.
On Global Issues in Textile and Fast Fashion Industry
This article focuses on the garment industry, which is part of the textile industry, and its problems from the sustainability perspective. The so-called fast fashion is nowadays tightly linked to the textile industry, particularly the garment industry. Today, more than half of the textile industry uses synthetic fibres, allowing for the production of low-cost garments and other products. At the same time, this industry causes a great deal of pollution, especially water (i.e., during fibre production and dyeing). It employs a low-wage workforce, which in many industrialising countries also works in more adverse circumstances and has fewer labour rights than in developed countries. The paper also presents some recent data on industrial production in these sectors, which show some of the peculiarities in the global distribution of these industries.