Nekaj iger za utrjevanje poštevanke

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V prispevku je prikazanih nekaj manj znanih iger, ki služijo utrjevanju dejstev poštevanke. Najprej je pojasnjen metodični postopek, ki vodi do priklica tistih dejstev, ki jih učenci morajo avtomatizirati. V nadaljevanju so podrobneje opisane igre, s katerimi lahko drilamo le eno poštevanko, tiste, ki so namenjene drilu več poštevank hkrati, in na koncu igre, ki se igrajo s časovno omejitvijo. Vse igre so preizkušene in učinkovite.


A Few Games for Consolidating the Knowledge of the Multiplication Table

The paper presents some of the less-known games that are used to consolidate the facts of the multiplication table. It begins by explaining the methodical process that leads to students developing the automatic recall of facts. Afterwards, it gives a detailed description of games which can be used for drilling a single multiplication table; of games which are intended for drilling several multiplication tables simultaneously; and, finally, games with time limits. All of the games are tried and tested.