Naša družba si zasluži, da integriteta postane standard

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Krepitev integritete je pomemben dejavnik krepitve pravne države. Za sistematično krepitev integritete v javnem sektorju in tudi širše, v celotni družbi, je v sodelovanju z ostalimi deležniki – še posebej vzgojno-izobraževalnimi ustanovami, pristojna Komisija za preprečevanje korupcije. Trenutno stanje v slovenski družbi, še posebej na nivoju politične kulture, žal kaže na to, da je razkorak med teorijo (normativno ureditvijo, načeli, vrednotami, itd.) in prakso velik, integriteta pa še vedno razumljena kot nadstandard. Ker si vsi skupaj zaslužimo, da integriteta postane standard, je na tem področju nujen tako strateški kot operativen pristop.


Our Society Deserves Integrity to Become Standard

Strengthening integrity is a relevant factor in strengthening the rule of law. To systematically strengthen integrity in the public sector and, more broadly, in our society, it is important for the Commission for the Prevention of Corruption to work with other stakeholders, primarily educational institutions. Regrettably, the current situation in Slovenian society, especially the level of political culture, shows that the gap between the theory (i.e., the normative framework, principles, values, etc.) and practice is substantial, and integrity is still perceived as above standard. As we all deserve integrity to become the standard, there is a need for a strategic as well as operational approach.