Naravoslovno znanje četrtošolcev v raziskavi TIMSS 2015

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V prispevku izhajamo iz izsledkov Mednarodne raziskave trendov znanja matematike in naravoslovja TIMSS 2015 (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) z opisom metodologije raziskave. V osrednjem delu se osredotočimo na naravoslovno znanje četrtošolcev v Sloveniji. Izpostavimo močna in šibka področja naših učencev na vsebinskih in kognitivnih področjih ter glede na spol. Predstavimo tudi obravnavo vsebin TIMSS glede na njihovo vključenost v nacionalne učne načrte ter deleže učencev, ki so bili deležni obravnave posamezne snovi do pisanja preizkusa znanja TIMSS. Ugotavljamo, da so dosežki na močnih in šibkih področjih, ki so jih izkazali naši učenci, skladni s pokritostjo vsebin nalog TIMSS z nacionalnimi učnimi načrti, ki tudi po prenovi leta 2011 še ne predpisujejo vseh vsebin do četrtega razreda. Glede na to, da so dečki dosegli statistično značilno višje dosežke od deklic kar na dveh vsebinskih in enem kognitivnem področju, bo v prihodnje treba pozornost v razredu usmeriti tudi na to področje.


Knowledge of Natural Sciences in 4th Grades According to TIMSS 2015

The article is based on the findings of the TIMSS 2015 study and describes its research methodology. Its main part is concentrated on the knowledge of natural sciences in Slovene fourth grades. Our students’ strong and weak points in content and cognitive subscales are set out and presented according to gender. TIMSS contents are also presented according to their inclusions in national curricula and the shares of students that were taught specific contents before taking the TIMSS examination. The author determines that achievements in strong and weak areas displayed by our students comply with the coverage of TIMSS contents within the national curricula, which even after the 2011 reform still do not prescribe all those contents to be taught within the first four grades. Considering that the boys achieved statistically significantly higher scores in two content subscales and one cognitive subscale than the girls, attention in class should in the future be put on this topic as well.