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Prispevek sloni na delu raziskave magistrske naloge Where Does Weekly Outdoor Education Lead To: The Potential of Joy and Satisfaction iz leta 2017, zaključene na Pedagoški fakulteti v Mariboru. Poleg izsledkov raziskovalne naloge so v prispevek vključen predlogi za izvajanja učenja v naravi in primeri aktivnosti. Izhodišče raziskovalne naloge so bile izkušnje iz študijske izmenjave na Norveškem.


Outdoor Student-Focused Classes

The article is based on a research paper on the Master’s thesis Where does Weekly Outdoor Education Lead to: the Potential of Joy and Satisfaction from 2017, completed at the Faculty of Education, University of Maribor. The research paper uses as a starting point the experience gained during a student exchange program in Norway. In addition to the research results, the article also includes suggestions on implementing outdoor learning and examples of activities.