Motivacija je pojem, s katerim se nenehno srečujemo. Spremlja nas pri vseh vidikih našega življenja, tudi na delovnem mestu. Vodstveni delavci se pogosto ukvarjamo tudi z motiviranjem zaposlenih.
Članek je nastal na podlagi projektne naloge, ki smo jo s kolegicami pripravile kot del obveznosti pri opravljanju ravnateljskega izpita. S pomočjo analize spin in skupinskega intervjuja smo raziskale trenutno stanje motivacije zaposlenih v zavodih, v katerih smo zaposlene, ter se posvetile načinom, kako bi lahko vodstvo motivacijo strokovnih delavcev izboljšalo. Boljša motivacija za delo prinaša ugodnosti posamezniku in zavodu; če so delavci motivirani, delo opravljajo kakovostno in z večjim veseljem. Pri tem pa ima vodja zavoda zagotovo veliko vlogo.
Motivation is a notion we encounter constantly. It accompanies us in all aspects of our lives, including our workplaces. Leadership staff often engage in motivating other employees, too. This article is written based on a project assignment that was carried out by a group of colleagues as part of our obligations for passing the school leadership exam. Building on swot analysis and group interview, we studied the current state of motivation among staff in the educational institutions of our employment, focusing on the ways in which the leadership could possibly improve motivation among the teaching staff. Improved
work motivation generates advantages for both, the individuals and their institutions; if the staff are motivated, the quality of their work is higher and they draw more joy out of it. In achieving this, the director of the institution certainly plays a significant role.