Prispevek poudarja ključne dejavnike in dejavnosti, ki so vodilo k motivaciji mladih za planinarjenje. Osredinja se na starostno skupino otrok med šestim in trinajstim letom, ko začne upadati njihova motivacija za hojo. S praktičnimi nasveti opogumlja bralca, mentorja, učitelja, starša, da obstajajo preverjeni koraki, po katerih lahko otroke pripravimo za planinarjenje, da si bodo te gibalne in družabne dejavnosti želeli predvsem sami.
Motivational Factors for Mountaineering (or: My Recipe for Getting Young People to Walk)
The paper presents the key factors and activities that motivate young people for mountaineering. It focuses on the age group of young people between six and thirteen years of age, when the motivation for walking begins to fade. Through practical advice it encourages the reader, mentor, teacher, parent, etc. that there are tried-and-tested steps with which they can prepare children for mountaineering in a way that will make them want to participate in such physical and social activities.