Ljudje si že od nekdaj pripovedujemo zgodbe. Zgodbe so eno izmed najstarejših in najučinkovitejših orodij, ki jih še danes uporabljamo za učinkovito učenje, komunikacijo, vodenje, medsebojno povezovanje, razreševanje konfliktov, itd. Zakaj je temu tako? S pomočjo zgodb razmišljamo, si zapomnimo in osmišljamo. Zgodbe nam pomagajo osvetlili našo preteklost in trenutno situacijo. Kar pa je najpomembnejše – naše zgodbe lahko spremenimo in s tem ustvarimo želeno prihodnost. Zgodbe nam omogočajo tudi razmislek o tem, kako bomo novo dosegli in zakaj bomo pri tem vztrajali.
The Power of Storytelling for Organizations and for Education
Since the dawn of time, people have been telling stories to one another. Stories are one of the oldest and most effective tools, and are still being used today for effective learning, communication, leadership, connecting with one another, conflict resolution, etc. Why is that so? Through stories we contemplate, memorize and make sense of things. Stories help us to shed light on our past and on our current situation. What is most important – we can change our stories, thus creating the desired future. Stories also help us to contemplate how we will achieve something new and why we will persevere.