Mentorstvo kot priložnost za profesionalni razvoj novoimenovanih in izkušenih ravnateljev

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Ravnateljeve naloge so obsežne in komplekse. Novoimenovani ravnatelji se zato znajdejo pred številnimi izzivi, ki jih prinaša nova vloga. Zato je Šola za ravnatelje leta 2004 razvila program Mentorstvo novoimenovanim ravnateljem. Namenjen je ravnateljem v prvem mandatu. Usposabljanje poteka v manjših skupinah, velik del programa pa zajemajo srečanja med izkušenim ravnateljem mentorjem in novoimenovanim ravnateljem – mentorirancem, kar omogoča individualen pristop k reševanju konkretnih izzivov. Pokazalo se je, da je mentorstvo pomemben dejavnik vseživljenjskega učenja ravnateljev za oba udeleženca. V članku predstavljamo nekaj bistvenih koristi mentorstva za mentorirance in mentorje, pri čemer poudarjamo priložnosti za učenje. Osrednji del je opis programa Mentorstvo novoimenovanim ravnateljem, ki ga dopolnjujemo z vtisi mentorice, mentoriranke in koordinatorja programa. Zaključujemo s smernicami za nadaljnji razvoj programa.


Mentoring as an Opportunity for the Professional Development of Newly Appointed and Experienced Headteachers

Headteachers’ tasks are extensive and complex. The newly appointed headteachers face a number of challenges posed by the new role. Therefore, in 2004, the Slovenian National School for Leadership in Education developed the Mentoring Program for Newly Appointed Headteachers. It is intended for headteachers in their first term. The training takes place in small groups, and a large part of the program includes meetings between the experienced headteacher mentor and the mentee (newly appointed headteacher), which enables an individual approach to solving specific challenges. Mentoring has been shown to be an important factor in the lifelong learning of headteachers for both, the mentor and the mentee. In this article, some benefits for mentees and mentors are presented, emphasizing their learning opportunities. The central part is a description of the mentoring program, which is supplemented by the impressions of the mentor, mentee and program coordinator. We conclude with possible guidelines for the further development of the program.