V raziskavi smo proučevali psihosocialni razvoj devetošolcev z vidika njihovega socialnega statusa v šolskem okolju, osebnostnih socialnih lastnosti in v poznavanju ter uporabi pozitivnih vedenjskih vzorcev v komunikaciji s sošolci in učitelji v povezanosti z glasbenimi aktivnostmi (učenje igranja na glasbeni inštrument, petje v pevskem zboru, sodelovanje v inštrumentalnih ali plesnih skupinah) ter glasbi naklonjenim družinskim okoljem (otroci pojejo ali obiskujejo glasbene prireditve s starši). V raziskavi je sodelovalo 177 devetošolcev iz naključno izbranih šestih osnovnih šol na Primorskem (OŠ Ciril Kosmač – Piran, OŠ Livada – Izola, OŠ Šmarje pri Kopru, OŠ Branik, OŠ Dobravlje in OŠ Lucija). Rezultati raziskave so potrdili pomembno povezanost med glasbenimi aktivnostmi in glasbenim spodbudnim družinskim okoljem s psihosocialnim razvojem učencev z vidika socialnega statusa v šolskem okolju, osebnostnih socialnih lastnosti in v poznavanju ter uporabi pozitivnih vedenjskih vzorcev v komunikaciji s sošolci in učitelji.
The correlation between musical activities and aspects of psychosocial development of year nine pup
In this study we investigated (i) the social status of year 9 pupils in the school environment, (ii) their personal and social characteristics (iii) and knowledge together with the use of positive behavioural patterns in communication with classmates and teachers in correlation with (a) their musical activities and (b) the inclination for music in the family environment. The music activities involved (i) learning a musical instrument, (ii) singing in the choir, and (iii) involvement in instrumental musical groups. While the inclination for music in the family climate has been determined by (i) the frequency of singing with their parents, and (ii) attending musical events. The study involved one hundred and seventy seven (177) pupils from six randomly selected primary schools from the Slovene Littoral (OŠ Ciril Kosmač – Piran, OŠ Livada – Izola, OŠ Šmarje pri Kopru, OŠ Branik, OŠ Dobravlje in OŠ Lucija). The survey results confirm a high correlation between the social status of year nine pupils, personal and social characteristics and the use of positive behavioural patterns in communication with classmates and teachers with musical activities in the school environment and music supportive family environment.