V prispevku je predstavljena uporaba aplikacije Actionbound pri pouku matematike. Dijaki v manjših skupinah rešujejo matematične naloge, opravljajo domiselne izzive ter pri tem raziskujejo domači kraj s pomočjo svojih pametnih telefonov. Take aplikacije služijo kot pripomoček za obogatitev pouka, spoznavanje kraja ter krepitev digitalnih kompetenc dijakov in učiteljev. Digitalno tehnologijo lahko uporabimo pri različnih predmetnih področjih za raznolike dejavnosti v osnovni ali srednji šoli. Nedvomno pa je treba biti previden pri uporabi informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije pri pouku. Pozornost dijakov je v trenutku preusmerjena v ekrane pametnih telefonov, pri čemer lahko ne dosežemo zadanih ciljev učne ure. Izvedba takih ur mora biti primerno načrtovana, dijaki pa morajo biti pri dejavnosti aktivni.
Math-oriented treasure hunt with the Actionbound application
The article presents the use of the Actionbound application in mathematics lessons. Students work in small groups where they with the use of their smartphones solve math problems, meet imaginative challenges, and explore their hometown. Such applications serve as a tool to enhance lessons, get to know students’ local town and improve both students’ and teachers’ digital competencies. Digital technology can be used in a variety of subject areas for a variety of primary or secondary school activities. Undoubtedly, care must be taken when using information and communication technology in teaching. Namely, students’ attention is instantly diverted to their smartphones, and the set goals of the lesson may easily not be achieved. The realization of such classes must be well planned, whereas students’ active participation must be carefully thought out.