Ljudska pripoved pri pouku književnosti

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Projekt je kot primer dobre prakse osredinjen na ustno slovstvo domačega kraja, ki je izjemno bogato in med mlajšimi generacijami skoraj pozabljeno. Slovensko ljudsko izročilo je del kulturne dediščine, zato ne bi smelo biti spregledano kot eno od izhodišč za vzgojno-izobraževalni proces, saj je pomembno in življenjsko, da izhajamo iz zgodovine naših prednikov ter otrokom tako omogočimo postopno dojemanje pomena preteklosti. Projekt obravnave ljudskih pripovedi je predstavljen v okviru pouka književnosti v 1. in 2. razredu, na dnevih dejavnosti, popoldanskih delavnicah s starši, sodelovanju z zunanjimi poznavalci obravnavane tematike ipd. S tem sem tako pri učencih kot tudi njihovih starših vplivala na poznavanje, drugačno prebiranje in razumevanje ljudskega ustnega slovstva iz domačega kraja, ki pojasni številne kulturno-zgodovinske znamenitosti. Nastalo učno gradivo (gledališka uprizoritev, knjižna zbirka ljudskih pripovedi z izdelki otrok in fotografijami …) zagotovo vpliva na trajnost znanja učencev in spodbuja učitelje, da bi bolj smelo zajadrali na področje slovenskega ljudskega izročila in obogatili pouk ter ohranjali slovensko tradicijo.


The Folk Tale Preservation Project

A good practice example, this project is focused on the local verbal literature that is exceptionally rich, although almost forgotten among younger generations. Slovenian folk tales are a part of our cultural heritage and should as such not be overlooked as one of the topics with which to begin our educational process, knowing that it is important and vital we derive from the history of our ancestors, thus enabling our children to gradually start comprehending the importance of the past. We should be aware that the expected and required objectives in schools cannot be obtained, if teachers are not interested in or qualified for introducing folk tradition to pupils. It is not sufficient to know only a handful of folk songs, folk tales, counting-out rhymes, and games that can be found in the existing and approved teaching material. Alarming as well is the fact that the field of folk dances is also being overlooked. Even the study programme for primary school teachers of the first five grades itself does not put emphasis on the folk tradition, except when students themselves take it as elective contents, present it in their research papers etc. The folk tales teaching project is presented at first- and second-grade literature classes, at activity days, at afternoon workshops with parents, as collaboration with external folk tradition experts etc. All the above listed activities helped the author to familiarize her pupils and their parents with the local verbal folk literature, through which numerous cultural and historical sites are explained, as well as to teach them how to read the tales in a different way, and understand them better. The resulting teaching material (a staged theatre play, a collection of folk tales with photographies and products the children had made) most definitely contributed to pupils’ permanent knowledge and encourages teachers to set sail more courageously into the waters of the Slovenian folk tradition, thus enriching their classes and preserving the Slovenian tradition.