V letih od 2008 do 2011 je bila Šola za ravnatelje nosilka projekta Evropskega socialnega sklada Sofinanciranje profesionalnega usposabljanja strokovnih delavcev v vzgoji in izobraževanju v letih 2008, 2009, 2010 in 2011. Njegov temeljni namen je bil vzpostaviti koncept usposabljanja zaposlenih v vzgojno izobraževalnih zavodih za vodenje avtonomnega javnega zavoda. Ena od pomembnih poti za doseganje tega cilja je zasnova in vodenje listovnika. V članku predstavljamo pomen in vlogo listovnika v profesionalnem razvoju strokovnih delavcev ter ravnateljevo vlogo pri tem. V raziskavi, ki smo jo opravili med udeleženci projekta, se je pokazalo, da ti jasno povezujejo listovnik in svoj profesionalni razvoj in da jih spodbuja k refleksiji, vendar pa pri tem potrebujejo ravnateljevo spodbudo in podporo. Tem spoznanjem sledijo priporočila za ravnatelje v zadnjem delu članka.
Portfolio as Part of Educators’ Professional Development and the Head Teacher’s Role in This
In the years 2008 to 2011, the National School of Leadership in Education was carrying out the European Social Fund project of CoFinancing Practitioners’ Professional Development in Education in the Years 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011. Its principal objective was to apply the concept of employee training within educational institutions for managing autonomous public institutions. One of the important ways of achieving this objective is to design and compile a portfolio. This article highlights the importance and role of such a portfolio for the professional development of teaching staff, and the role the head teacher plays in this. The study conducted among the participants of the project showed that, while the participants clearly associate the portfolio with their professional development and while for them it has proven conducive to reflection, they do need the encouragement and support of their head teacher in this. These findings are followed by the recommendations for head teachers in the last part of the article.