V članku so orisani življenje in mnoga področja dela Kristine Brenkove, pisateljice, dramatičarke, prevajalke, zbirateljice ljudskega slovstva, urednice, ki se je rodila leta 1911 v Horjulu. Ob 110. obletnici njenega rojstva so se na OŠ Horjul odločili, da bi se praznovanju obletnice pridružili najprej s kulturnim dnevom za učence razredne stopnje, ki Kristine Brenkove ne poznajo več, nato pa še z mednarodnim literarnim in likovnim natečajem. Z natečajem so želeli učence opomniti na eno pomembnejših Slovenk, ki se je suvereno gibala po evropskem založniškem odru, in jih s tem motivirati k branju in poustvarjanju, z njeno neumorno zvedavostjo in željo po učenju pa tudi k večji motiviranosti za učenje nasploh.
An Art and Literary Contest on the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Kristina Brenkova
The article describes the life and many fields of work of Kristina Brenkova, the writer, playwright, translator, collector of folk literature and editor who was born in 1911 in Horjul. On the 110th anniversary of her birth, Horjul Primary School decided to join the celebrations, first by organizing a Cultural Day for pupils at the primary level who are not familiar with Kristina Brenkova, followed by an international art and literary contest. The aim of the contest was to familiarize pupils with one of the most important Slovenian women, who had navigated the European publishing scene with confidence, and thus motivate them to read and re-create; through her untiring curiosity and desire to learn, we also wanted to improve their overall motivation to learn. The article describes the aims and course of the contest, and all the tasks performed by the organizing committee which will continue to organize this contest in the future.