Na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja se vse bolj uveljavlja konstruktivistični pristop, ki poudarja pomen lastne aktivnosti v procesu izgradnje znanja. Prispevek predstavlja uresničevanje tovrstnega pristopa k učenju pri pouku matematike v osnovni šoli. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti možnosti ter pogostost izvajanja omenjenega učnega pristopa z vidika uporabe posameznih učnih metod, didaktičnih sredstev in ovir, ki kakorkoli otežujejo takšen način dela. Zanimalo me je tudi stališče učiteljev do danega učnega pristopa. Raziskavo sem izvedla na slučajnostnem vzorcu učiteljev, ki v šolskem letu 2015/2016 poučujejo matematiko na razredni stopnji osnovne šole. Rezultati so pokazali, da so možnosti za izvajanje konstruktivističnega pristopa pri pouku matematike zagotovljene, kar dodatno potrjujejo tudi pozitivna stališča učiteljev do tega pristopa.
Constructivist Approach to Mathematics Lessons
In the field of education, the constructivist approach is gaining ground; it emphasises the importance of one’s own activity in the process of knowledge building. This paper presents the carrying out of such an approach to learning in Mathematics lessons in primary school. The purpose of the research was to determine the possibilities for and frequency of carrying out the above-mentioned teaching approach from the aspect of using individual teaching methods and didactic resources, and the barriers that hinder this work method in any way. I was also interested in the attitude of teachers towards this teaching approach. A survey was conducted on a random sample of teachers, who were teaching Mathematics at the primary level in the 2015/2016 school year. The results have shown that the possibilities for carrying out a constructivist approach in Mathematics lessons are provided, which has been additionally confirmed by the positive attitudes of teachers towards this approach.