Članek z namenom doseganja večje aktivnosti učencev pri pouku zgodovine, spodbujanja timskega dela in samostojnega raziskovanja različnih zgodovinskih virov predstavlja tri različice oblikovanja učnega gradiva v obliki izzivov sobe pobega. Dve sta prirejeni v t. i. skrivnostni zaboj, pri katerem so zgodovinska gradiva in izzivi, ki jih morajo učenci rešiti, da pridejo do končnega razkritja, skriti v lesenem zaboju, tretja pa je spletna oblika reševanja ugank in odkrivanja sporočila. Skrivnost ni zaboj so reševali šestošolci na kulturnem dnevu Spoznavam dediščino svojega kraja, enkrat v razredu, drugič v povezavi z zgodovinskim terenskim delom, elektronska oblika pa je bila namenjena učencem za obeležitev dneva samostojnosti in enotnosti na daljavo. Pred opisom konkretnega učnega gradiva je natančneje predstavljen tudi postopek izdelave skrivnostnega zaboja, saj gre v našem izobraževalnem prostoru za precejšnjo novost.
Once You Open It, There’s No Going Back … Do You Dare? Mysterious Message in a Chest: History in the Form of Simple Escape Room Challenges
In order to get students to be more active during history lessons and to encourage teamwork and independent research of diff erent historical sources, the article presents three versions of designing teaching materials in the form of escape room challenges. Two versions have been adapted to the so called mysterious chest, in which the historical materials and the challenges that the students have to solve to make the ultimate discovery are hidden in a wooden chest, while the third version comes in the form of solving puzzles and deciphering the message online. The mysterious chest challenge was attemped by sixth graders at the cultural day Learning about My Town’s Heritage – first in the classroom and the second time in connection with historical fieldwork; the electronic version was intended for students to commemorate Independence and Unity Day at a distance. Before describing the concrete teaching materials, we give a detailed presentation of the making of the mysterious chest, as it is a novelty in our educational setting.