Karierna pričakovanja so za študente, ki razmišljajo o svoji poklicni poti, pomemben dejavnik, ki usmerja njihovo študijsko dejavnost. Karierna pričakovanja so lahko končni cilj njihove študentske poti ali pa se z leti spreminjajo, ko se študentje naknadno seznanijo z realnostjo poklicnega glasbenika. Večina inštrumentalistov si želi postati koncertni glasbenik, vendar je v realnosti na odru prostor le za enega solista. V članku smo se poglobile v vprašanje, kaj si študenti glasbe želijo početi v prihodnosti, ali svoja karierna pričakovanja oblikujejo že v otroštvu ter ali se med glasbenim izobraževanjem njihova pričakovanja in želje spreminjajo. S pomočjo ankete smo k sodelovanju povabile študente Akademije za glasbo v Ljubljani in Mariboru. Vprašalnik je rešilo 62 študentov različnih glasbenih smeri. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta veselje do poučevanja in nastopanja glavna dejavnika, ki vplivata na karierna pričakovanja študentov.
Career Expectations among Music Students
Career expectations are a relevant factor guiding students› study activities when considering their career paths. Career expectations may serve as the ultimate goal of their student paths, or they may change over the years as the student learns about the realities of being a professional musician over time. Most instrumentalists aspire to become concert musicians, but there is only room for one soloist on stage. This article investigates what music students want to do in the future, whether they form their career expectations in childhood and whether their expectations and aspirations change as they progress through their musical education. Of the various music majors from the Academy of Music in Ljubljana and Maribor invited to participate, sixty-two completed the questionnaire. According to the findings, their career expectations are primarily influenced by their enjoyment of teaching and performing.