Karierna orientacija učencev s posebnimi potrebami v osnovni šoli

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Osnovnošolci se zgodaj znajdejo pred odločitvijo, na kateri šoli bodo nadaljevali izobraževanje. Največ ovir pri prehodu zaznamuje otroke s posebnimi potrebami. Otroci s posebnimi potrebami so ena izmed ranljivih skupin družbe, ki se težje prebije na trg dela. Zato je zanje pomembno dobro načrtovanje njihove karierne poti in pravilna izbira srednje šole. V prispevku predstavljamo model prednostnih kompetenc karierne orientacije, ki je še posebno uporaben pri kariernem svetovanju učencem s posebnimi potrebami in primer dobre prakse po omenjenem modelu. Cilj kariernega svetovanja učencem s posebnimi potrebami je čim bolj izkoristiti posameznikove potenciale za življenje in delo.


Career Guidance of Pupils with Special Needs in Primary School

Early on, primary school pupils have to decide at which school they will continue their education. Children with special needs encounter the most obstacles in this transition. Children with special needs are a vulnerable group in society, which finds it harder to enter the labour market. It is therefore important that they plan their career path well and choose the right secondary school. The article presents a model of priority career guidance competencies, which is especially useful in providing career guidance to pupils with special needs; it also presents a good practice example that is in line with this model. The aim of providing career guidance to pupils with special needs is to make optimal use of a person’s potential for life and work.