Kaninsko pogorje in človek

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Prispevek predstavlja Kaninsko pogorje kot območje stoletnega delovanja človeka, kjer so se kot najstarejši ohranili redki sledovi nekdanjih sedmih kaninskih planin. Po drugi svetovni vojni planin zvečine niso obnovili. Izjema je planina Krnica, ki izkorišča nekoliko bogatejša visokogorska travišča na območju istoimenske globoke dolinske zareze. Nekdanji kaninski pašniki so bili večinoma tam, kjer je bilo po zadnji poledenitvi na površju odloženega več ledeniškega grušča. Visokogorska pašna travišča so nekdanji pastirji našli predvsem v višjih delih pobočij in v spodnjem in srednjem nadstropju Kaninskih podov ter Goričice, med 1300 in 2000 m. Posamezni lastniki drobnice so še nedavno poleti v visokogorje zaganjali manjše trope ovac in koz, kar je bil bolj izraz tradicije kot pa potrebe. Planinstvo se je v pogorju začelo s Kugyjem, nadaljevalo pa z izgradnjo planinske koče, ki je nato leta 1970 pogorela. Novo so postavili bližje žičnici, a ne najbolj posrečeno. Turno smučanje se je razmahnilo zlasti po drugi svetovni vojni, od sredine sedemdesetih let, po izgradnji sistema kaninskih žičnic, pa sodobno smučanje po urejenih smučiščih. Debela snežna odeja je v Kaninskem pogorju vsakoletna stalnica, kar je poleg povezanosti z žičniškim sistemom in smučišči na italijanski strani zagotovilo za nemoteno delovanje. Ovira so lahko le zelo obilne snežne padavine in močan veter. Povečuje se tudi poletni obisk, zato postaja Kaninsko pogorje eno bolj obiskanih pri nas. Dodatna privlačnost je pestrost pojavov visokogorskega krasa, po čemer slovi v evropskem merilu, kot tudi po izjemni gostoti globokih brezen. Prva svetovna vojna je na planoti Goričici in na Rombonu, kjer je dve leti potekala frontna črta med avstrijsko in italijansko vojsko, zapustila številne sledove. Tudi to je del današnje turistične ponudbe. Kako pa bo Kaninsko pogorje, z vsem bogastvom flore in favne in kot vir pitne vode, vzdržalo vse močnejši turistični pritisk, je še neodgovorjeno vprašanje.


The Kanin Mountains and Human Activities

This paper examines the Kanin Mountains as an area which man has shaped for centuries and where rare traces of the seven Kanin mountains have been preserved. With the exception of the Krnica mountain, most of the mountain pastures were not revived after World War II. Krnica exploits the slightly richer alpine grassland in the area of a deep valley notch with the same name. The former Kanin pastures were mostly located in the areas covered with thicker layers of glacial debris after the last glaciation. As a rule, the high mountain pastures were found by one-time herdsmen in the higher parts of slopes and in the lower and middle elevations of the Kaninski podi Plateau and the Goričica Plateau, between 1300m and 2000m. Until recently, some small cattle owners still led smaller herds of sheep and goats to the high mountains during the summer. This was typically done out of deep respect for tradition rather than necessity. Mountaineering in the Kanin Mountains commenced with Julius Kugy and continued with the construction of a mountain hut. After the hut burnt down in 1970, a new one was built, not aptly, closer to the ski lift. Cross-country skiing became vastly popular after World War II. Since the mid-1970s when a cablecar system was built, however, it has been gradually replaced by modern skiing on groomed trails. The ski resorts on the Italian side of the mountains, the cable-car system and excellent snow conditions, a regular feature the winter season in the Kanin Mountains, all ensure a smooth operation of the ski centre. This can only be prevented by heavy snowfalls and strong winds. The Kanin mountains are also becoming increasingly popular with summer visitors. In addition to being renowned in Europe for its variety of high- mountain karst phenomena, it is also well-known for the exceptional density of deep chasms. World War I left many traces on the Goričica Plateau and on Mt. Rombon, which remained the frontline between the Austrian and Italian armies for two years. Whilst these are part of tourist offer today, time will show if the Kanin Mountains with all their rich flora and fauna are able to withstand the mounting pressure of tourism.