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V prispevku je predstavljen pomen glasbe za razvoj otroka. Nekoč se je veliko pelo v družinah, danes
pa tega skorajda več ni. Glasbeno vzgojo prevzemajo izobraževalne institucije, za otroka pa je še kako
pomembno, da pride v stik z glasbo že kot dojenček. V tujini, predstavljen je primer srečanj Ringató
na Madžarskem, se spodbuja starše k petju svojim najmlajšim. Predstavila sem potek priprav, da bi se
srečanja, podobna srečanjem Ringató, začela izvajati tudi pri nas v Sloveniji.


The Kalilenica Project

This article draws attention to the importance of music in child development. The tradition of singing that used to be cherished in families has almost disappeared, and music education is now mostly provided by educational institutions. However, it is vital to expose children to music as early as possible. Elsewhere, parents are encouraged to sing to their children. One of such examples is the Ringató project in Hungary. The objective of the sessions is to motivate parents to sing to their children. This paper describes the arrangements for the implementation of a similar project in Slovenia.