Vernierjev metalec kovinskih kroglic je učilo, ki zaradi možnosti nastavljanja kota in hitrosti izstrelitve omogoča preučevanje vseh vrst metov, tudi met na koš. Pomislili smo, da bi dijake pri eksperimentalnem delu pritegnilo, če bi morali s strelom kroglice iz metalca zadeti koš. V tem prispevku najprej z meritvami ocenimo natančnost dometa, kar je osnova za izdelavo koša. Nato z množico strelov na koš pri različnih parametrih, kot so razdalja do koša, hitrost in kot izstrelitve ter višinska razlika, preverjamo vpliv teh parametrov na število zadetkov. Na koncu pridobljeno znanje in izkušnje uporabimo v novi situaciji in preverimo, ali izbrane nastavitve pripeljejo do takojšnjega zadetka. Priložena so tudi navodila za eksperimentalno vajo na višji ravni zahtevnosti.
How to Shoot a Ball into a Hoop with a Vernier Projectile Launcher
The Vernier Projectile Launcher is a learning tool which allows students to investigate important concepts in twodimensional kinematics, including a shot into a hoop, at different angles and velocities. We thought that students would engage more in the experimental work if they were to use the launcher to shoot a ball into a hoop. The article first describes the measurements used to determine the exactness of the range, which was the basis for the creation of the hoop. Then, with a series of shots at different parameters, such as distance from the hoop, velocity and angle of the shot and height difference, we determined the influence of these factors on the number of hits. Finally, the acquired knowledge and experience was used in a new situation to see if the selected parameters would guarantee a one-time
shot. The article also includes instructions for an experimental exercise at a higher difficulty level.