Namen prispevka je predstaviti uro knjižnično informacijskega znanja v kombiniranem oddelku, ki ga obiskujejo učenci s posebnimi potrebami in z različnimi primanjkljaji. Opisani primer prakse je ena izmed ur, ki jih izvajamo v dogovoru z učiteljico in je del letnega načrta šolske knjižnice za oddelek s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom. Učencem smo predstavili pisatelja Franceta Bevka in jim skušali približati njegova dela, za pripravo in izvedbo te ure je bilo potrebno več časa, prilagoditev, poenostavitev in konkretizacije kot po navadi. Pripravljenega in uporabljenega je bilo več slikovnega gradiva, v pomoč je bila tudi postavljena razstava.
How to Present the Writer France Bevk to Students Attending a Primary School Programme with a Lower Educational Standard, and Get Them to Relate to His Works
The purpose of the paper is to present a lesson in library and information science with a composite class, which is attended by students with special needs and various deficiencies. The described example of practice is one of the lessons that is being implemented in agreement with the teacher and which is included in the school library’s yearly plan for the class with an adapted programme and a lower educational standard. The writer France Bevk was presented to the students and we tried to get them to relate to his works; the preparation and implementation of this lesson required more time, adjustments, simplifications and illustrations than usual. A greater amount of pictorial material was prepared and used; the set-up exhibition was helpful.