V prispevku sta predstavljeni dve ustvarjalni nalogi, ki spomine učiteljice (8-letne deklice) na dneve osamosvojitvene vojne leta 1991 obravnavata na dva povsem različna načina. Literarni esej Skozi prestrašene otroške oči spomine predstavlja povsem nekritično, brez raziskovanja zgodovinskih dogodkov, cilj eseja je bil literarno učinkovanje. Osamosvojitvena zgodba Glas grenko-sladkih otroških spominov pa je zgodba, ki je nastala po korakih aktivne ustne zgodovine, učenka se je temeljito lotila raziskovanja zgodovinskih dogodkov v času letalskega napada na Medvedjek, zato je ustvarila zgodovinsko verodostojno zgodbo, ki je lahko predmet nadaljnjega raziskovanja pri pouku zgodovine. Z zapisom spominov je pričevalka za svoje spomine pridobila zgodovinski okvir, učenka pa živo izkušnjo s pričevalko o tako pomembnem dogajanju, kot je osamosvojitvena vojna. Ustvarjalne naloge in stik s pričevalci učencem dajejo še večjo motivacijo za raziskovanje zgodovine.
How We Are Preserving Historical Memory and Motivation to Learn the History of Slovenia’s Attainment of Independence through a Culture of Remembrance
The article presents two creative assignments that discuss the memories of a teacher (who was an eight year-old girl at the time) of the 1991 War of Independence in two completely different ways. The literary essay “Through the Eyes of a Frightened Child” presents these memories in an uncritical way, without examining the historical events. The essay’s goal was to achieve a literary impact. The story about the attainment of independence titled “The Voice of a Child’s Bittersweet Memories” was created following the steps of active oral history. The student thoroughly researched the historical events at the time of the air raid on Medvedjek, creating a historically accurate story that could be used for further research during history lessons. As they were written down, the narrator’s memories were placed in a historical context and the student was able to engage in a face-to-face discussion with the narrator about an event as important as the War of Independence. Creative assignments and contact with narrators further motivate students to research history.