V članku so predstavljene smernice za pisanje poročil o otroku s posebnimi potrebami ali ob sumu na osebne potrebe. Strokovni delavci vrtca ali šole pišejo poročila, ki so namenjena staršem in zunanjim strokovnim sodelavcem, ki soodločajo o programu izobraževanja in/ali upravičenosti do usmerjanja, individualizaciji dela in dodatnih storitvah. Najpomembnejši del poročila so sklepne ugotovitve, mnenje in priporočila; navajamo več primerov. Razumljive informacije tvorijo celoto in bralcu omogočajo razumevanje sklepnih ugotovitev, priporočil in zaključnega mnenja. Vse to prispeva k učinkovitosti in
končnemu cilju: ukrepom v otrokovo korist.
How to Write a Report on a Child with Special Educational Needs – Guidelines and Instructions
The article presents guidelines for writing reports on a child with special educational needs or with suspected special educational needs. The professional staff of a kindergarten or school write reports intended for the parents and the external professional staff, who make joint decisions on the educational programme and/or the right to placement, one-on-one work and additional services. The most important part of the report are the conclusions, the opinion and recommendations; several examples are given. Comprehensible information makes up a whole and enables the reader to understand the conclusions, recommendations and the final opinion. All of that contributes to the report’s effectiveness and to the end goal: measures taken for the child’s benefit.