V prispevku želim izpostaviti nekaj vsebinskih področij, ki sem jih pri delu v šolski svetovalni službi v srednji šoli in pri raziskovalnem delu prepoznala kot pomembna in koristna. Opisala bom, kako lahko znanja s področja voljnih procesov in kognitivno-vedenjske terapije pomagajo pri doseganju ciljev v svetovalnem procesu. Voljni procesi pospešijo doseganje ciljev, še posebno kadar je to oteženo s problemi, kot so težave z začenjanjem dejavnosti zaradi pomanjkanja dobrih priložnosti, prisotnost drugih mamljivih ciljev in skušnjav ipd. Izhajala bom iz osebnostne sistemske interaktivne teorije. Z vidika dela v šolski svetovalni praksi bom predstavila hierarhični sistem voljnega uravnavanja (Kuhl 2000) in osemstopenjski krožni model sistema motivacije in kognitivno-čustvenega samouravnavanja istega avtorja. Prispevek bom dopolnila z nekaterimi znanji in smernicami kognitivno-vedenjske terapije. Ta ponuja koristna znanja pri implementaciji ciljev v svetovalni praksi in premeščanju ovir, povezanih z voljnim delovanjem.
How can an Appropriate Volition Action Accelerate Goal Achievement in the Counselling Process
The aim of this paper is to emphasise some of the content that I have found important and useful in the context of the school counselling service. I will describe how knowledge in the field of volition processes and behavioural cognitive therapy can help to achieve goals in the counselling process. Volition processes tend to accelerate goal achievement, mostly when it is hindered by problems such as difficulties in starting an activity due to a lack of good opportunities or the abundance of other temptations. The basis of my findings is the Personality System Interaction Theory (Kuhl, 2000). Drawing from my own experience as a school counsellor, I am also going to present the Theory of Volitional Action – Core of PSI Theory (Kuhl, 2000) and the Sequence of 8 Motivational and Volitional Phases and Cognitive-affective Systems (Conatice Cycle) by the same author. I will also talk about some of the basic concepts and guidelines of behavioural cognitive theory, which offers extremely useful knowledge that can be drawn upon in the context of counselling practice when implementing goals and overcoming barriers associated with volitional acts.