Vedno več slepih in slabovidnih otrok je vključenih v redne osnovne šole, kar predstavlja za zaposlene precejšen izziv. Zaradi omejitev v vidnem zaznavanju potrebujejo taki učenci pri pouku številne prilagoditve. Tipno-kinestetični čuti so za slepega poleg sluha najpomembnejši, zato so tipni prikazi pri pouku geografije za slepe in teže slabovidne nepogrešljivi. V praktičnem delu je predstavljenih pet tipnih učil za pouk geografije. Natančno opisana navodila za enostavno izdelavo so lahko v pomoč in spodbudo učitelju, da učila izdela sam.
How to Create Tactile Learning Tools for Blind and Visually Impaired Students in Geography Class
More and more blind and visually impaired children are enrolled in mainstream primary schools, which is a considerable challenge for the school employees. Because they are visually restricted, these children require many adjustments in class. In addition to hearing, tactile and kinesthetic senses are the most important, therefore tactile presentation plays an essential role in geography class for the blind and visually impaired. The practical part presents five tactile learning tools for geography class. Precise instructions for a simple creation of these tools can help and encourage teachers to make them themselves.