Tekmovanje s področja geografije je eno izmed popularnejših tekmovanj s tradicijo v Sloveniji, kljub temu pa celovitih študij o tekmovanju in analiz dosežkov tekmovalcev ni veliko. Glavni namen tega prispevka je analizirati dosežke tekmovalcev pri geografskem tekmovanju v šolskem letu 2021/2022 glede na tipe in vsebinsko zasnovo nalog ter jih interpretirati v kontekstu manevrskega prostora za izboljšanje poučevalne prakse. V ta namen sta bila za posamezne postavke nalog na šolski in državni ravni tekmovanja izračunana indeksa težavnosti in diskriminativnosti, rezultati pa interpretirani z vidika taksonomskih stopenj nalog. Najnižji rezultati se kažejo predvsem pri nalogah najnižje taksonomske stopnje, ki so se nanašale na predpisane vire in literaturo. Slednje odpira polje razprave, zakaj je priklic novih geografskih vsebin za tekmovalce težji od taksonomsko zahtevnejših nalog.
What Slovenian Geography Competition Results Tell and How They Can Assisst Improving the Preparation for the Competition
Geography competition is among the most popular traditional competitions in Slovenia despite the fact that there are not many comprehensive studies on the competition nor of the competitors’ achievements. The main aim of this article is to analyse the competitors’ achievements at geographical competition in the school year of 2021/2022 from the points of view of the types and conceptual frame of the tasks, and to interpret those results in the terms of improvement of the teaching practice. In order to achieve this we calculated the difficulty and discrimination indices for the tasks of school and national levels of the competition. Lastly, the results were interpreted in the in terms of the taxonomic characteristics of the tasks. The most difficult tasks are predominantly the ones related to the prescribed additional sources and literature and they are at the lowest taxonomy level. These findings provoke debate why recalling facts and basic concepts is more challenging than taxonomically more complex tasks.