Pisanje je psihomotorična dejavnost in je pomembno sredstvo komunikacije. Je veščina, ki je ne pridobimo z rojstvom, pač pa to področje oblikujemo skozi individualni razvoj z učenjem. V prispevku bomo podali nekaj teoretičnih izhodišč o pisanju in težavah, ki se lahko pojavljajo pri njem. Podali bomo nekaj že objavljenih ugotovitev preteklih raziskav o tipkanju in pisanju z roko, ki so tudi nas vodile k razmisleku o pomembnosti pisanja z roko ter posledično k priključitvi k projektu Teden pisanja z roko 2019. V letošnjem šolskem letu smo se v aktivu 3. razreda odločili, da se bomo prvič pridružili omenjenemu projektu. Cilj je bil, da so v Tednu pisanja z roko 2019 učenci čim bolj ustvarjalni, da čim več pišejo z roko in se nekoliko podučijo o pomembnosti pisanja z roko. Ozaveščanje o pomembnosti pisanja z roko smo razširili tudi med svoje učiteljske kolege. Na koncu prispevka so predstavljene dejavnosti, ki smo jih v okviru tedna izvajali na naši šoli.
Is Writing by Hand Outdated?
Writing is a psychomotor activity and an important means of communication. Writing is a skill that we do not acquire at birth but one that we form through our individual development by learning. The article presents a few theories of writing and of the writing-related problems that may arise. It mentions some of the already published findings of previous research on typing and writing by hand, which made me think about the importance of writing by hand, and consequently got me to join the project Teden pisanja z roko 2019 [Week of Writing by Hand 2019]. In the current school year, we, 3rd grade teachers, have decided to join the above-mentioned project for the first time. Our goal during the Week of Writing by Hand 2019 was to make children as creative as possible, get them to write by hand as much as possible, and teach them the importance of writing by hand. We have also spread the awareness of the importance of writing by hand among our fellow teachers. At the end, the article presents the activities we carried out at our school during the Week of Writing by Hand 2019.