V prispevku se sprašujemo: Kako načrtovati in usmerjati sodelovanje šole z okoljem in hkrati ohraniti integriteto? S katerimi izzivi sodelovanja z okoljem se srečujejo šole, ki na eni strani odgovarjajo na potrebe in pričakovanja družbe po kakovostnem vzgojno izobraževalnem delu in se po drugi strani odzivajo na pričakovanja posameznih javnosti oziroma deležnikov, ki so včasih tudi različna ali celo medsebojno konflikta? Kako ustvarjati in usmerjati kakovostno sodelovanje šole z okoljem skladno s pedagoškimi načeli in namenom doseči največjo korist za otroka/učenca/dijaka? … In skušamo odgovoriti na zastavljena vprašanja. V ravnanju šol se vedno prepletajo potreba po odpiranju šole navzven, pedagoške doktrine in koncepti, etična vprašanja in cilji vzgojno izobraževalnih programov.
Challenges and Opportunities for School Integrity in Partnership with Community
This paper addresses the following questions: How to plan and promote cooperation between schools and the environment while preserving integrity? What are the challenges of working together with their communities for schools, which try to respond to the needs of the society and its demands for quality education as well as to the different or even confl icting expectations of individual types of publics/stakeholders? How to create and manage effective cooperation between schools and their communities in accordance with pedagogical principles to achieve maximum benefi ts for pupils/students? The need to engage schools with the wider community, pedagogical doctrines and concepts, ethical issues, and the objectives of educational programmes are always entwined in the attitudes of schools.