Izkušnje z izdelavo fizikalnega sefa in s tekmovanjem “Videl, premislil, odklenil!”

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Dijaki imajo s področja naravoslovja na voljo kar nekaj tekmovanj. Za večino teh je izhodišče šolsko znanje, ki si ga pridobijo po učnem načrtu in nato samostojno ter s pomočjo mentorja dopolnijo z dodatnim delom. Videl, premislil, odklenil (VPO) pa je tekmovanje, ki se v marsičem razlikuje od drugih. Namenjeno je predvsem dijakom, ki želijo svoje znanje fizike preizkusiti v konkretnem izdelku – fizikalnem sefu. V prispevku bo predstavljen potek dejavnosti od začetnega seznanjanja dijakov prek posameznih faz načrtovanja in izgradnje sefa pa vse do udeležbe na državnem tekmovanju VPO. Ob tem bomo razmišljali o posebnostih tovrstnega dela z dijaki.


Experience with Making a Physics-Based Safe and with the Competition “Videl, premislil, odklenil!/Having Seen, Thought and Opened!

High school students have a fair chance to participate in Natural Science Competitions. Most competitions are based on the material taught at regular lessons and then upgraded by the student’s own work as well as them having the assistance of a mentor. »Videl, Premislil, Odklenil« (VPO) is a competition, which is different in many aspects from the above mentioned ones. It is focused on students, who wish to use their knowledge of Physics in reality – building a safe. This article will show the flow of the activity from the initial information that the participants get, continuing with the individual phases of the planning and building of the safe and up to the state level competition. Besides that, we shall focus on the speciality of such work with these students.