Interaktivni Prešeren v šolski knjižni OŠ Prule

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V prispevku je predstavljeno vsakoletno načrtovanje proslave in kulturnih dejavnosti kot podpora obeleženju kulturnega praznika v februarju. Učitelji določenih predmetov v okviru svojih ur pouka načrtujejo obravnavo Prešerna in se hkrati povežejo s knjižničarjem ter cilji, zapisanimi v programu knjižničnega informacijskega znanja. Posebej je predstavljen pouk o Francetu Prešernu na naši šoli, podrobneje pouk učencev 4. razreda v knjižnici, ob uporabi sodobnih IKT-pripomočkov. Vsako leto so učenci v osnovni šoli bolj vešči uporabe sodobnih IKT-naprav, pa vendar je treba delo z IKT osmisliti ter z uporabo obogatiti in nadgraditi pouk, branje, spoznavanje e-knjig … S pomočjo sodobne tehnologije želimo učencem vsako šolsko leto približati tudi slovenskega pesnika Franceta Prešerna, njegovo življenje in delo.


Interactive Prešeren in the School Library of the Primary School Prule

The article introduces the annual planning of the celebration and cultural activities on the occasion of the Slovenian national holiday in February. Teachers of certain subjects teach students attending their classes about the greatest Slovenian poet France and plan their classes in connection with the school librarian and the objectives set in the Library and Information Science programme. The article focuses particularly on the lessons about France Prešeren taught at our school, and in greater detail on fourth-grade classes at the library using modern ICT tools. With every year, our primary school students improve their ICT skills; however, the use of ICT should be applied with purpose to the classes, for example in reading and e-books, to make them more meaningful and up-to-date. Similarly, the classes on the life and work of France Prešeren are designed every year so as to include new technologies in order to make this Slovenian poet more approachable to students.