Integriteta učenca v kontekstu šole

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V šoli se vključuje tako komponento vzgojne predanosti kot tudi vzgojno komponento (Jelić idr. 2021; Meyer 2002). Šola kot institucija želi učenca vzgajati z namenom spodbujanja moralnega in etičnega razvoja kot temelja za kasnejše razumevanje, empatijo, sodelovanje, povezanost in integriteto posameznika. Integriteta učencev v okviru vzgojne funkcije šole pomeni pravilno moralno sklepanje učenca, prepoznavanje dobrega in zla, empatijo, čut za skupno dobro, odgovornost, iniciativnost, konstruktivno reševanje konfliktov, ustrezen postopek odločanja itd. Čeprav je v tradicionalnih kulturah poudarek na izobraževanju, vsebine posameznih predmetov dajejo možnost vzgojne dejavnosti.


Student Integrity in the School Context

School involves both the component of commitment to moral education as well as the component of moral education itself (Jelić et al., 2021; Meyer, 2002). As an institution, school aims to provide students with a moral education in order to promote moral and ethical development as a foundation for the later understanding, empathy, cooperation, connection and integrity of the individual. The integrity of students within the educational function of the school means correct moral reasoning, recognition of good and evil, empathy, a sense of the common good, responsibility, initiative, constructive resolution of conflicts, an appropriate decision-making process, etc. Although the emphasis in traditional cultures is only on the learning process, the content of individual subjects provides the possibility of moral educational activities.